Posted on 3/5/2018

Wow the roads are quite a mess right now! I can't remember the last time there were so many potholes on our roads and highways. The other day I was traveling along the 401 towards Scarborough to take my son to a swim meet at the Pan Am Centre, and hit a pothole that had to be at least two feet square. The uneasy feeling of the vehicle as it walloped into the pothole sent chills down my spine as I imagined the punishment it had taken on my vehicle. Luckily my vehicle did not suffer any ill effects, but here are some symptoms to be aware of if you hit a pothole: A shaking feeling in your steering wheel Your vehicle pulling to one side whereby you constantly have to keep correcting the vehicle to keep going straight down the rod Your steering wheel being off centre Or worse case scenario - a catastrophic immediate failure of a suspension or steering component rendering the vehicle immobile Potholes are formed ... read more